Tuesday 30 June 2015

Summer time!

Well done to all of our class. Each of the boys worked very hard all year. 

We all excelled in different areas. 

We each got an award for our own particular talent. 

Have a brilliant summer lads and come back to us in September ready to learn again! 

Friday 26 June 2015

Drama time

We love to use our imaginations in our class in Kilcoskan. 

Here are a couple of photos of us pretending that we live under the sea with our friend sparkle fish. 

You should have seen us swimming. We are great pretend swimmers!

Here is some of the treasure we found!

Here is one of the animals who was our friend. 

Kilcoskan Olympics

Today in Kilcoskan we had a very special day. 

We had our very own Olympics! 

We paraded our Olympic torch around the yard and displayed it proudly. 

Then we got down to the serious buisness of races and challenges. We had a tricky obstical races, traditional egg and spoon race, javelin throwing competitions and many more. 

After all our hard work taking part in the races we deserved a special treat. We got ice-cream!! 

It was very tasty! 

We all had a great day. A fun way to end up the busy year in Kilcoskan!! 

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Sports for all day

We took part in loads of activities for our sports for all day last week. 

We had lots of fun taking part. 


We can't wait to try out some of the new games we learnt with our friends at home. 

Kilcoskan "We are writers" book launch

Here in Kilcoskan we all got together to create a book. In it are lovely poems and stories.

Here in our class we wrote a poem. Have a look at the book to see it!

To celebrate the launch we created some cave art to show how far writing has come over the ages. 

First we added the hunters. 

Next we added all the animals that they would have hunted. 

Our cave painting tells the story of a hunt!

Here it is displayed for everyone to see at the book launch. 

Well done to the two lads who got up from our class to speek about our work. 

Art fun!

We painted beautiful gardens for all the lovely animals that we see in the summer time. Can you spot the flowers, trees, bees, bugs and slugs?

We created clouds using baby powder and glue. 

There was a lovely smell in the room!

We cut out the clouds and made them a home for our bumble bees. Don't they look happy!

Father's Day Art

We wanted to wish all the special people in our lives a lovely day on Sunday. 

We made some cards using stamps for the lettering. We all concentrated very hard at cutting out the hearts for our cards and writing the messages. 

We created lollipop stick boxes as a present for our fathers. 

We stuck the sticks with PVA glue and left them to dry. 

We put a bottom on them. 

We painted them lovely colours when they were dry.